How To Make Cool Optifine Capes. So I thought why not make a thread so everybody can share their cool Cape designs with To put a submit an OptiFine Cape in the comments below use this format or a similar format. Therefore I've made a Tutorial video on how to install a customized Optifine Cape.
In order to get a Minecon cape, you must attend the convention "Minecon", hosted by Mojang, the Also, there are Optifine capes, and if none of you are familiar with the modification "Optifine", it is basically a modification to Minecraft which can.
Yes, other Minecraft mods (like OptiFine) let you donate in exchange for a cape, which you may then customize with the banner system. optifine capes are not official capes. they can only be seen if you have the optifine mod installed this is part of why they don't affect elytra.
MCSkinHistory is made possible through advertisment so please disable your adblocker or consider becoming a PRO member to remove ads. Many Minecraft users normally will be used to having some graphical enhancements in the form of resource packs and shaders. They are great capes for all to enjoy!